The COVID-19 social distancing procedures have encouraged this project to engage with the public digitally through online web applications, videos, and webinars. Once restrictions have been updated to allow for face-to-face interaction, in-person opportunities will become available.

A Project Development & Environment, or PD&E, Study is a process developed by the Florida Department of Transportation to determine social, economic, natural, and physical environmental impacts associated with a proposed transportation improvement project. The process follows procedures set forth in federal and state laws and regulations. It is made up of several components including:

  • Data collection involves researching and documenting items such as
    • Existing roadway characteristics
    • Traffic data
    • Land use designations
    • Drainage patterns
    • Natural physical conditions
    • Noise and safety features
    • Social environmental conditions
  • Engineering Analysis/Concept Development which involves developing concepts that meet the project objective in an environmentally responsible, socially acceptable and cost feasible manner
  • Environmental Evaluations occur prior to and in tandem with concept development. These evaluations include wildlife habitat, public lands, and wetland locations.  This information helps develop concepts that minimize impacts on the natural environment
  • Public involvement entails public meetings, stakeholder coordination, and community outreach

The typical timeframe to do all of the above work is 18 months. Some PD&E studies run longer. THEA started work on the South Selmon PD&E in July of 2019 and the anticipated end date is in spring 2021.

The Tampa Hillsborough Expressway Authority (THEA) is conducting a Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study to evaluate capacity improvements along the southernmost section of Selmon Expressway.

The study limits extend from the eastern project limit of the Selmon Expressway West Extension Project to the beginning of the six-lane section near the overpass at Whiting Street, a distance of approximately 4.5 miles.

The study will look at how to improve travel times, reduce congestion, improve safety, enhance regional east-west mobility, and ultimately how to accommodate increased future traffic demand. Various roadway and ramp improvements will be evaluated during the study to improve the efficiency and capacity of the Selmon Expressway well into the future. It is anticipated that the improvements will primarily be accommodated within the existing right-of-way.

We are currently conducting a PD&E Study to evaluate what improvements we can make to accommodate the growth of the past 25 years as well as the growth predicted in the next 25 years on the Selmon Expressway. A PD&E study is a process developed by the Florida Department of Transportation to determine social, economic, natural, and physical environmental impacts associated with a proposed transportation improvement project.  The process follows procedures set forth in federal and state laws and regulations.

During the noise analysis, we identify noise-sensitive areas closest to the roadway. Traffic engineers predict future traffic volumes a project may add. Then we enter existing traffic and forecasted traffic and natural and constructed features of the area into the Federal Highway Administration’s standard traffic noise model. This model determines future noise levels if a project is built in comparison to existing noise levels to calculate “noise impacts.” Stay in touch with us on selmonstudies.com for more information on the process and results.

Please review these additional frequently asked questions about the noise evaluation process for more information on the process and results. As the study develops, additional information about the evaluation will be provided on the alternatives under consideration.

The Tampa Hillsborough Expressway Authority is currently working on a Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study for the South Selmon Expressway. This study includes noise and safety requirements and recommendations. You can find out more about the PD&E Study by visiting, https://selmonstudies.com/south-selmon-pde-study/project-info/

The motorcycles and cars can only be stopped by law enforcement.  We would suggest reporting it to the Tampa Police Department.  You can call their non-emergency number at 813-231-6130.