
Questions and Answers


I only see more noise pollution and more air pollution. What will be done for those who live along the Selmon?


With the phased approach of Alternative 6, walls will be erected on both sides for the length of the project. You can find more details about noise and environmental impacts on the website:


What about putting a monorail along the Selmon so that people can get out of their individual cars? Or burying the Selmon in tunnels and putting human-sized streets at ground level?


As part of the PD&E process, the project team takes into account various factors including cost and environmental impacts. The cost of building a monorail would be cost-prohibitive, and the environmental impacts of a tunnel would be significant.


Are you considering adding a lane for a mass transit system? Having more lanes does not seem like the solution.


A dedicated mass transit lane would not satisfy the traffic needs for this corridor. Both the current and projected traffic volumes are majorly commuter traffic.


What about HOV lanes to encourage carpooling?


HOV lanes have been tested in Tampa before but proved unsuccessful in migrating congestion. Actually, a nationwide study shows that HOV lanes show unsuccessful in migrating congestion.


What about the cars that will be taken off the road thanks to increased working from home and the ferry?


Our study evaluates traffic needs through 2046 and does take into account the different modalities available and predicts future travel.


What about getting MacDill to set up a satellite office in Apollo Beach?


MacDill Airforce Base is a separate entity. While we do work with all our community partners, this is not something we can determine.


If you go ahead with any of the projects you are proposing, could you put pedestrian and bicycle underpasses and overpasses along the road?


Bicycles are not allowed on limited access roadways, and tunnel underpasses or overpasses would be cost prohibitive.  


I can’t stay on any longer due to a conflict. I hope the transcript or recording that is released will include the Q&A.


Both the recordings and the Q&A sections will be on


It sounds like you want to do Alternative 6. How badly will the sound walls impact the surrounding neighborhoods?


For details regarding the noise study please refer to the draft noise study report on the website ( 


Under Option Six, if it is approved, when would the noise barriers be built please?  


The area in question runs along CSX railroad right of way, and access to their property is limited for safety reasons due to rail traffic along the corridor.


How far out will you extend the overpasses in Alternative 6?


The overpasses would be extended by 9 feet on each side.


Will the widening require CSX acquisition and will it preclude future light rail here?


No, the widening will not affect the CSX tracks nor preclude any future light rail or other use of the CSX tracks for passenger use.


Will this presentation be available on the web site?


Yes, the full presentation will be posted on the site by tomorrow.


How long would option 6 take to build?


2.5 years


For each option what date would a wall be put in for the residential area between Euclid and bay to bay???? It is very dangerous and metal is flying around off the road.


For Alternate 2 and 6 temporary barrier walls would be installed along the outside in the early construction phase, allowing us to proceed with the permanent roadway widening and permanent walls.


Hi Sue- will there be any space in the right-of-ways to add bike trails? Thanks. 


Bike trails could be considered at the cross streets but not within the right of way of the Selmon. You can find detailed renderings of the alternatives on the website,


Will you be answering questions now or at some future point in time?


Hi – thank you for attending. We are answering questions now.


Address the date that a very tall residential safety barrier wall would be installed. Every day is more and more dangerous and the noise has grown 700x since the expansion.


If Alternative 6 is selected and the construction begins as planned in 2023, the tall wall will be installed approximately in summer 2026.


Fifty years has taught us; don’t go on the cheap.Alternative 6!


Thank you for your feedback. Please be sure to also comment via so that your comment is entered into the official record.


Under alternatives 2 and 6 will the existing bridges need to be replaced or just widened?


Most will just be widened, a few will have the decks replaced. None will be completely replaced. 


When will the walls be erected? When? We need a date?


Right now the construction is planned to start in 2023, the temporary walls will be early in construction.


Will any of these options affect drainage patterns on Concordia Ave between el Prada and Euclid during or after construction?


All drainage patters will remain the same. For Alternatives 2 and 6, all runoff will be collected and piped to the nearest outfall.


And what about air pollution?  How do you measure that and what do you do about air pollution?


Air pollution is measured as part the PD&E study.  Improving congestion leads to improvement in air quality.


Who has to pay for the project, tax payer? Is there enough right away between rail track and existing lane to add the outside additional lane


There will be NO taxpayer funds used for this project. There is existing right-of-way room in the Expressway envelope to accommodate an additional outside lane.


When would Option 6 begin and end if approved?


If Alternative 6 is selected, the construction is planned to begin in 2023 and will take around 3 years to complete.


When will construction begin?


Tentatively scheduled for 2023. 


Will the cost for drivers to use the Selmon be going up?


This project will not increase the tolls. The tolls on the Selmon Expressway are indexed by 2.5% each year.


Would any improvements be made to the west bound entrance ramp near Amalie Arena?


This entrance will be studied in a different PD&E study, and a similar process will be conducted for that segment of the Expressway.


In what phase would the noise walls be built?


For Alternate 2 and 6 temporary barrier walls would be installed along the outside in the early construction phase, allowing us to proceed with the permanent roadway widening and permanent walls.


More lanes will only create more traffic not less. Why are you not considering a mass transit system? I asked this earlier but do not see a response


A dedicated mass transit lane would not satisfy the traffic needs for this corridor. Both the current and projected traffic volumes are majorly commuter traffic.


Please provide a date walls will be built to protect the families living on the Selmon. In either scenario, what is the Estimated date that walls will be built to protect our children. We have brought the serious concern to the attention of Thea numerous times. It is only a matter of time before someone is killed and an 18 wheeler drives into a home. What is the date of walls to be erected ???


If Alternative 6 is selected, the construction is planned to begin in 2023 and will take around 3 years to complete. The temporary barrier walls would be installed along the outside in the early construction phase, allowing us to proceed with the permanent roadway widening and permanent walls.


Why do I not see my question asking when walls would be built? Are you avoiding that topic intentionally?

If the project begins as currently anticipated in 2023, temporary walls would be installed early during construction along the outside of the roadway to allow for the construction of the drainage system, pavement widening, and permanent walls.


Is email address active? In long run, this will meet the needs. Cost is high but future costs for improvements can be even higher.


Thank you for your feedback. Please make sure you also provide comments via or in an email to THEA so they are included in the official record.


After the PD&E is completed, is there an expected date to begin construction of the improvements? 


If alternative 6 is selected, the construction is planned to begin in 2023 and will take around 3 years to complete. The cost of construction would delay alternative 2 to a later start date. Visit our website: for more details.


Your only remedy is to add more lanes and that is unsustainable. You admit this in your comments. 

The alternatives shown are the most reasonable capacity improvements that can be provided within the existing right-of-way. Alternative transportation routes and modes will need to be developed to accommodate additional growth.


Is the interim design for Alternative 2 suitable since it consists of eight total lanes? Why must the existing bridges be widened?


Alternative 2 does not have an interim. In this alternative, the bridges are widened to accommodate the additional lanes of traffic. This one has eight lanes of traffic. You can compare the alternatives in detail on our website:


In Alternative 6, when would the noise walls be constructed?


The walls would be constructed in phase one of construction, the interim phase. The walls then remain through the final plan of this alternative.  


How will you possibly widen the road next to the Seybold Lofts and “Bread Factory” lofts currently on S. Oregon Avenue? It seems there is no room to expand.


The PD&E Study takes into account social, economic, national, and physical environmental impacts associated with a proposed transportation improvement project. There are plans on the website where you can see that exact location and how we plan to work within the right of way (bird’s eye plans):


What year of alternative 6 is considered phase 1 walls be built??


For Alternate 2 and 6 temporary barrier walls would be installed along the outside in the early construction phase, allowing us to proceed with the permanent roadway widening and permanent walls.


And when would this work start?


Tentatively scheduled for 2023.


We have to wait until 2026 for a wall????


For Alternate 2 and 6 temporary barrier walls would be installed along the outside in the early construction phase, allowing us to proceed with the permanent roadway widening and permanent walls.


A Safety wall is needed immediately!!!! We cannot wait until 2026! Blood is on THEA hands when something happens.


For Alternate 2 and 6 temporary barrier walls would be installed along the outside in the early construction phase, allowing us to proceed with the permanent roadway widening and permanent walls. 


Are you confirming Safety walls won’t be built until 2026?


For Alternate 2 and 6 temporary barrier walls would be installed along the outside in the early construction phase, allowing us to proceed with the permanent roadway widening and permanent walls.


How high would temporary barrier walls be please?


The temporary barrier walls will be 42 inches tall.


How tall will the sound barrier walls be in Alternative 6 ??


The majority of the walls in Alternative 6 will be 8 feet tall.


Further to my question about the Seybold lofts, I am looking at the Bird’s Eye view photos, and it is not really clear what is intended to happen. I realize this is a comment and not a question, but I don’t think it is sufficient to keep referring us to the website, which does not really answer the questions.


We would be happy to connect with you and answer this specific question. Please send a contact email for follow-up.